SINGER Overlocker S0105
SINGER Overlocker S0105
Even easier to use, the SINGER Overlocker S0105 Serger is equipped with an LED that illuminates the lower looper area when the door is open, which makes threading easier. This makes threading a breeze. Now you can sew seams, seam finishes and trim excess seam allowances all in one step with professional results.
Product Features
Product Features
• Easy view threading - an LED light illuminates the threading paths for easier threading
• 2/3/4 Thread capability - the different stitch types ensure the perfect stitch no matter what project: blind hems, rolled hems, flat locking, finishing raw edges and sewing seams
• Differential feed - eliminates stretching and puckering of seams
• Free arm - sew hems and cuffs with ease
• 1300 Stitches per minute (spm) - finish your projects quicker with a fast stitching speed
• Adjustable thread tension - set thread tension for various threads and sewing techniques
• Built-in rolled hem plate - create beautiful rolled hems without changing the stitch plate
• Extra-high presser foot lift - more space for multiple fabric layers
• Quick and easy threading - easy-to-follow colour-coded threading guides